How to Rank Website in Google Featured Snippets

How To Rank Your Website In Google Featured Snippets

Search Engine Optimization

In this blog we will discuss about what is Google featured snippets and it’s types. How they different from rich snippets, and how to rank website in Google featured snippets. We often refer to the position that featured snippets give to content as “position zero.

What are Featured Snippets

A featured snippet is Google’s answer to a query ask by users, displayed at top of SERP in position zero. As per Google, featured snippets “enhance and draw user attention on the results page”. Featured snippets are easy to read, authoritative answers that directly answer a user’s query. Also Know: How to Optimize Blog Posts for SEO

Google featured snippets is a block at the top of search engine results page, containing a summary of the answer and a link to the web page it is extracted from. Featured snippets aim to answer the user’s query right away and typically answer how to, who, what, when, why, Steps type questions.

Types of Google Featured Snippets

1) Paragraph Snippets – Paragraph snippets are text answers within the featured snippet block. They may also feature an image alongside.
2) List Snippets – List snippets are answers in a step by step form, number or a bullet list.
3) Table Snippets – For structured data, Google can reformat content into tables for better readability. These type of table snippets answer questions on pricing, rates, and data.
4) Video Snippets – Google can also construct answers from Youtube and video descriptions. Any query that meets the criteria for being answered through a video can feature this snippet.

Featured Snippets Vs Rich Snippets

A rich snippet does not show up on the top of the SERPs ( Zero Position ). Rich snippets can appear anywhere in search results while Google featured snippets always appear at the top of SERP in position zero.

How to Rank Website in Google Featured Snippets

  1. If your pages rank higher up in the SERP Page 1 or top 10, there is a much better chance of being featured snippet. If a page does not rank in the top 10, it is almost impossible to be featured. Improving overall SEO for your website is key.
  2. Google points out that it “programmatically determines that a page contains a likely answer to the user’s question, and displays the result as a featured snippet” so adding a special code or having structured markup on your website will not increase your chances of being featured.
  3. Search queries for recipes, best of, definitions, pricing, and reviews get featured results most often.
  4. Asking questions and answering them in a paragraph under 50 word helps optimize content to be featured
    Update your content regularly.
  5. Featured snippets are triggered by long tail keywords and question type search queries

Step to Optimizing Website for Google Featured Snippets:

Improve Overall SEO
Since being featured is possible only when your content is ranked high, you must follow SEO guidline. Work on high quality content that is readable, findable, and inform-able.

Use Wikipedia and Other Higher Authority Website
Creating a company page on Wikipedia, Wiki Sites and other website can contribute to the same process of authority and trust.

Revise Old Content
Revise existing content to answer questions. Your existing content may be high-ranking but will need a different approach to getting featured. Include the target keyword in the first paragraph – it will show up as bold within the featured snippet.

Create New Strategic Content
Browse Google for more questions and track trends across the internet in order to decide your new content strategy. Create content that answers questions – Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How to – relevant to your product, industry, and website.

Organize Queries Tactically
Structure your content into generic, specific, and more specific queries in order to answer related and non-related queries. Add a hook to your content so that a user is forced to click through the snippet on top your websites. Find List of High PR Question And Answer Sites.

Get Factual
Google gives preference to factual, numbers driven and and well structured content. Use dates, ingredients, steps, numbers all help related content.

Add Images
Use eye-catching, branded and annotated images throughout your web-page. adds dates to images, so updating images periodically will help as well.

Monitor & Get Indexed
Constantly monitor the queries that you have been featured for, their CTRs and any new opportunities that pop up. Use Google Search Console to submit a page to Google and fetch it for re-indexing or Get Quick Way To Index A New Website In Google