Facebook Advertising

How Facebook Advertising Can Benefit Your Business

Social Media

Advertising on Facebook can be helpful to businesses since 68 percent of adults use the social media platform. Facebook Pages may be subject to algorithm changes that affect how many people actually view your content despite their excellent marketing capabilities.

A fixed CPM Facebook advertising program gives you an idea of the number of impressions you will receive. It’s not the case for all payment systems. These five benefits are the reason you should consider Facebook advertising since the positives outweigh the negatives.

5 Benefit of Facebook Advertising

1. A finely tuned targeting strategy

The Facebook Ads Management tool offers a wide range of targeting and retargeting options, including demographics, location, behaviors and lookalike audiences.

You can manage your Facebook campaigns using Facebook’s Ad Manager, which has features to help you set up your Facebook ads. Ads across Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger can be launched in just a few clicks – on mobile and desktop.

Tracking pixels can be added to your website to identify your ideal customers and their products of choice.

2. Thousands of people use mobile devices

Increasingly, mobile traffic is being driven by smartphones, 4G networks, and other Internet technologies. Many people are checking their mobile phones during the day, which makes social media time an excellent way to reach your mobile audience.

Facebook has the largest user base of any social network, having over 1.74 billion daily active users.

3. Data analysis was extensive

A variety of advertising analytics and reporting is available on the social network as well. There are no difficulties finding the conversion rate or other social indicators since they are clearly outlined.

These statistics can be found in the “Insights” section of a page on Facebook. The metrics displayed there include weekly reach, likes, and engagement, as well as the best bloggers. Make sure you measure up to your competition by comparing your page with theirs.

The data makes it impossible for you to discover after the campaign has been run that it failed.

4. Awareness of the brand has grown

Your ads will be more likely to be seen by your preferred audience the more often they check their news feeds.

Maintaining constant visibility even if your ad doesn’t immediately click, and retargeting them further in the future, can help you build trust.

5. CTRs are on the rise

Businesses are learning how to use Facebook ads effectively and Facebook’s advertising tools are improving, so ads are getting more clicks. Constant improvements to targeting and creativity can help you target the right audience. Additionally, you can choose to display multiple types of ads to your customers.

The average click-through rate (CTR) on Facebook ads is .90% for all industries.

Not sure where to begin with advertising your business and your clients on Facebook? By using MatchCraft Advantage, you can advertise on Facebook. For more information, schedule a demo today.