TPT Practice Counting Numbers from 1 to 10 with Robots Dot

TPT Practice Counting Numbers from 1 to 10 with Robots Dot


TPT practice counting numbers from 1 to 10 with robots dot to Dot (1 to 10) Worksheets. Have fun practicing number arrangements. By interfacing the dabs from 1 to 10 to show 10 distinctive Robot plans.

TPT practice counting numbers from 1 to 10 with robots dot

Teaching counting numbers from 1 to 10 with a robot like Dot from Wonder Workshop can be an engaging and effective way to make learning fun for young children. Here’s a practice activity using Dot: Teach Multiplication Tables From 1 To 10

Activity: Counting with Dot

Materials Needed:

Dot robot

A tablet or smartphone with the Wonder Workshop app installed and connected to Dot
Number cards (1 through 10)

Prepare Dot:

Ensure Dot is fully charged and connected to the Wonder Workshop app.

Introduce Dot:

Begin by introducing Dot to the children and explaining that Dot will help them practice counting from 1 to 10.

Number Cards:

Show the children a set of number cards (1 through 10). These can be physical cards or digital representations on a tablet screen.

Counting and Programming:

Start with the number 1. Ask a child to pick up the number card with “1” and show it to Dot.
Explain that the task is to program Dot to move a certain number of steps corresponding to the number on the card.
For example, if the child is holding the number “1,” instruct Dot to “Move forward 1 step.”
Press the play button in the app to execute the program.

Observe Dot’s Movement:

Watch as Dot moves the specified number of steps. Encourage the child to count along with Dot.
Dot should move slowly and pause at the end of the program so the child can confirm the count.
Repeat and Progress:

Repeat the process for each number from 1 to 10, gradually increasing the number of steps for each count.
After completing each count, discuss the number and have the child identify it on the number card.
Interactive Challenges:

Make the activity interactive by adding challenges. For example, ask the child to program Dot to move a certain number of steps, and then ask questions like, “Can Dot move forward 2 more steps?” This reinforces counting skills.

Feedback and Encouragement:

Provide positive feedback and encouragement as the child successfully counts and programs Dot. Celebrate each milestone, such as reaching 10, with enthusiasm.


Introduce variations, such as having Dot move forward and then backward, or creating obstacle courses that require specific counting skills to navigate.

Group Play:

If there are multiple children, you can turn it into a group activity where they take turns programming Dot to count.

Reflect and Reinforce:

At the end of the activity, have a discussion about what the children learned and reinforce the concept of counting from 1 to 10.

This activity not only helps children practice counting but also introduces them to basic programming concepts in a fun and interactive way. It’s important to adapt the difficulty of the activity to the children’s age and skill level, gradually increasing the complexity as they become more confident in their counting abilities.

How do you count numbers with dots?

Counting numbers with dots typically involves using a set of dots or points to represent numerical values. This method is often referred to as “dot counting” and is a visual way to help young children or individuals who are just beginning to learn counting and basic arithmetic concepts. Here’s how it works:

Arrange Dots: You can use physical objects like small stickers, buttons, or drawings of dots on paper or a digital screen. The arrangement of the dots represents a specific number.

Count the Dots: To count a number using dots, simply look at the arrangement and count each dot. For example, if you see three dots arranged in a row, you would count “1, 2, 3.”

Associate with Numerals: As you count the dots, you can also associate them with numerals. So, in the case of three dots, you would say or write the numeral “3” to represent the counted quantity.

Practice and Reinforce: Dot counting is often used as a teaching tool to help individuals build a visual and conceptual understanding of numbers. You can practice counting different quantities of dots to reinforce counting skills. Start with smaller numbers and gradually progress to larger ones.

What is the easiest way to teach counting with robots dot

Teaching counting with robots like Dot from Wonder Workshop can be an engaging and interactive way to introduce young learners to basic counting concepts. Here’s a step-by-step approach to make it easier:

Familiarize with Dot: Before you start teaching counting with Dot, make sure you and the students are familiar with the robot’s basic functions and controls. Understand how to program Dot to move, light up, and make sounds.

Set up Dot: Ensure that Dot is charged and connected to a compatible device, such as a tablet or smartphone, using the Wonder Workshop app. The app will allow you to program and control Dot.

Start with Basics:

Begin by explaining the concept of counting. You can use real-world objects (like toys or building blocks) to demonstrate counting from 1 to 10. Show how Dot can be programmed to move forward and backward. Use simple commands like “Move forward 1 step” and “Move backward 1 step” to illustrate counting.

Visual Aids: You can attach numbers or dots (representing numbers) to Dot’s body or use stickers to make it visually appealing. This will help reinforce the association between the robot and counting.

In the realm of early childhood education, the journey of introducing young learners to the world of numbers is an adventure filled with wonder and discovery. To make this journey engaging and enjoyable, educators and parents alike are constantly seeking creative and interactive resources.

One such treasure trove of educational delights is found in the TPT practice counting numbers from 1 to 10 with robots dot. In this essay, we delve into the exciting world of number recognition and counting, all with the help of our robotic friends.

Robots Dot: Your Counting Companions

TPT offers a delightful collection of teaching resources that revolve around Robots Dot, making the process of counting from 1 to 10 an enjoyable experience. These resources are designed to engage young learners in a step-by-step journey towards numerical mastery. The journey begins with recognizing the numbers and then gradually progressing to counting from 1 to 5. With 30 cards in the deck, the fun and learning seem limitless.

Sequencing Number Puzzles: A Puzzle for Every Learner

For those eager to hone their ordering skills, TPT offers robot sequencing number puzzles. These puzzles, numbering from 1 to 10, provide students with an opportunity to practice and master the order of numbers. With 8 puzzles at their disposal, students can engage in interactive and tactile learning, fostering a deeper understanding of numerical sequences.

Dot to Dot Number Spotting: Learning through Play

The joy of learning extends to the Dot Number Counting resources on TPT. Young learners are encouraged to spot and dot numbers from 1 to 10. These engaging pages can be incorporated into various learning environments, such as math centers, morning work, or activities for early finishers. The set includes printable PDFs, making it a convenient and versatile tool for educators and parents alike.

Tracing, Counting, and Coloring: A Multifaceted Approach

For a comprehensive approach to number exploration, TPT offers tracing, counting, and coloring worksheets for numbers 1 to 10. These worksheets stimulate multiple facets of learning, from tracing for fine motor skill development to counting for numerical understanding and coloring for creativity. By intertwining these elements, young learners are provided with a holistic and enjoyable educational experience.

A Treasure Trove of Educational Resources

The resources available on TPT extend beyond Robots Dot, encompassing a wide array of counting and number-related materials. Educators and parents can browse through the marketplace, trusting in the authenticity and educational value of the resources, all designed to support the development of young minds.