Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing For Software Resellers: A Brief Guide

Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of business and contemporary society. Most people using the internet today are using it to access social media. Therefore, any business is more likely to find customers on social media than on any other channel on the internet. Moreover, social media can be used to grow your social search engine optimization (SEO) and generate traffic and engagements on other channels such as your business website.

As a software reseller, your main job is to be an intermediary between software as a service (SaaS) provider and customers. This means that you have to reach out to customers interested in that particular software. Social media is an excellent place to connect to potential clients. However, your social media marketing goes beyond posting or tweeting a few times a day. While this may bring engagements, you won’t be able to convert the engagements to buyers.

Here’s a brief guide on how to do social media marketing:

  1. Put Together A Social Media Plan

A social media plan will drive your marketing strategy and ensure that you stick to your long-term goals as a software reseller. A good plan should include the following:

  • A list of all the places your audience hangs out online
  • A list of all the social networks you want to be on
  • Goals for what you want to get out of each network
  • A calendar for when and how often you’ll post updates to each network
  • A plan for listening and responding to your community

Once you’ve got that plan in place, it’s time to build up your social network presence. You’ll need to stick with the plan and only tweak it if some strategies fail to work.

  1. Find The Best Reseller Content

The first thing to remember is that the content you post will be the thing from which people form their opinion of your company. If it’s not exciting or engaging, they’ll look elsewhere. That’s why it’s essential to ensure that the content you post is always of high quality. It could be a link to an article on your website, an infographic, and pricing. For example, if you’re a Vendasta reseller, then ensure you include a table comparing the different Vendasta pricing plans and features.

This can be done by looking at what other resellers are doing and looking for influencers in your niche who are creating great content that your audience is sharing and talking about online. Text-based content isn’t always the best type of content to share on social media, especially if you’re working with a visual topic like software. For this reason, images and videos are often better alternatives to text-based posts.

When you post your content, make sure it’s as relevant as possible to the audiences you’re trying to reach. This might mean creating different versions of the same content for different social networks or groups.

  1. Choose The Right Platform 

You have many different options when it comes to social media platforms. As a reseller, you can use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, GitHub, among many other platforms, to market the software. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, so you should do thorough research before choosing where you’ll concentrate on the most.

Your first step should be to determine which platforms your customers use the most. For example, if your customers are primarily photographers, a platform such as Instagram might be the best option for you because it focuses on photos and videos. If your customers are mostly business people, go with LinkedIn because it focuses on professionals connecting.

However, each of these platforms will play a significant role as you can still find a good following on each of them. Just focus on where the majority of would-be customers are and put more resources there.

  1. Engage The Relevant People 

Now that you’ve figured out how to show up where your audience is, it’s time to engage with them in a meaningful way. That means showing up regularly with helpful content that authentically builds awareness about your brand. It doesn’t matter how good your content is if the wrong people see it. Often, it’s better to engage just a few people with something highly relevant than a large group of people with something vague.

Once you have their interest, you can start posting about your products and services. This is where things start to get interesting. You can post news about updates or new releases and any promotions or discounts that you have going on.

In addition to this, make sure that you engage with your audience by answering questions or offering advice when needed. This will help keep them coming back for more information, and it will also give them a reason to trust what you say.

  1. Pay Attention To Feedback

Social media gives you the ability to connect directly with your customers, which means that they may provide good and bad feedback. This feedback can be used as market research and also as a way to improve upon certain aspects of your product or service. Thus, if 10 people leave comments on your Facebook page saying that the software they purchased keeps lagging, then that’s a clear indication that you need to talk to the service providers to improve the software.

While it’s normal to focus on the positive feedback, you should always take note of the negative feedback. This is because your potential customers are likely to focus on them. So, make sure you work on reducing it as much as possible. The lesser the negative feedback on your posts, the higher the chances of converting more prospects. It also means that more people will trust you and the software you resell, which will build your profile as a reseller.


Social media marketing for software resellers is a very nuanced practice. Extensive research should always be done before building an active social media presence. Yet social media marketing is an excellent way for software resellers to reach out to new clients and gain visibility with existing clients. Hence, ensure that you lay down your strategies correctly to get the most out of them. Let this brief guide help you come up with a good marketing plan.